
Jernej Kruder: Trying to escape to the rocks
3. 6. 2019
Author: Lucie Trojanová
Category : Stories

Jernej Kruder´s long-term plan is to stay in climbing until he dies. To endure that and still have…

Brief interview with Anźe Peharc
2. 5. 2019
Author: Lucie Trojanová
Category : Stories

Anźe Peharc is now in China, where he is waiting for another competition of the bouldering world…

Loic Timmermans: Not only a climber
19. 3. 2019
Author: Lucie Trojanová
Category : Stories

Loic is training almost every day and hopes to represent Belgium at the first Olympic games where…

Interview with Urška Repušič: Climbing as a no. 1 priority
11. 1. 2019
Author: Lucie Trojanová
Category : Stories

It was obvious since her early childhood that she was born as a climber. At 18 Urška Repušič is…