Sardinia is the perfect destination for a winter getaway. It offers climbing on beautiful cliffs…
After more than 30 years, the renowned sport climbing area FINALE LIGURE still attracts all keen…
Place where the first climbing ascents were made and the tradition of Czech sandstone climbing…
Florián is a small Colombian town with massive potential for climbing. Limestone caves and…
Mountain views, solid grey limestone and lots of well-secured climbing. If you feel the call of the…
Next time you plan a trip to Margalef, Chulilla or El Chorra, don’t forget to add a stop in the far…
Lofoten are already well-known among trad climbers. Little do we know about their great potential…
Gneiss is a solid rock that tends to create small crimps. Flat and round, mostly. And always firm…
Where can you approach the base of a multi-pitch route on a back of a camel, legally shove a cam…
Spectacular historical IIIs, easy-going VIIs, formidable meisterwegs, several milestones in the…
Balkan countries have so many crags with top-notch limestone that it might make you feel dizzy.…
Bouldering is becoming ever more popular and Fontainebleau is getting more and more crowded. But it…